Our Annual AGM is on Friday 24th November at Ottery Cricket Club, 7 for 7.30pm start. This is an opportunity to meet other club members over nibbles and a glass of wine or cup of tea. All members are welcome, including juniors. Awards are also given out at this event, as well as a round- up of the years’ events, a treasury report, and it is also a great way to put forward any ideas or suggestions to be considered by the committee. Please will you let Joanna Bollino know if you are attending so we have an idea of numbers for providing a buffet. (Either via facebook or joannalee83@hotmail.com).
This year, we will only be giving the trophies to those who attend the AGM. We have found over the years, that those who win an award but don’t attend in person are harder to track down and sadly some of our lovely trophies have been lost. If you won a trophy last year, please will you ensure it has been engraved and either returned to one of the committee members or bring it along with you on the night. There is nothing more disappointing to have been told you’ve won an award, only for your prize not to be there because someone forgot to return it!